The relationship with my Uncle Adam has always been there for obvious reasons. However, I did not genuinely value or care to strengthen and rely on our relationship until my late middle school years. Adam is one of my dad’s closest brothers and I can see why. He is one of the most level-headed people I know. Adam has always given me such great advice for multiple different areas of my life from relationships, to school, to sports. When I was old enough to notice how amazing Adam’s perspective on life was, I started to really admire that about him. The way he perceived the world was something I wanted to relate to.

During my sophomore year of high school Adam was my bishop. I then got to see Adam’s empathy for others become even bigger. I know that bishop’s are given priesthood keys that allow them to see members of the ward through a special lens. To  me, Adam was such an amazing bishop because of the way he saw each member of the ward. Adam perceived everyone in such a Christlike way and with an empathic heart. He gave callings to people who he knew could fulfill that calling, even if others did not think so. Adam treated everyone with respect, and still does. I look forward to conversations with my Uncle Adam because I know I will leave feeling good about the world around me and the possibilities that lie ahead. Along with that, I always feel special when I am talking with him because I never feel a hint of judgment coming my way. 

Essay #3: My Uncle Adam - Perception, Lesson 7